Petrogale xanthopus
The Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby (YFRW), the largest of all rock wallabies, is one of the most beautiful marsupials on Earth.
They inhabit rocky outcrops of New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland.
They were once on the verge of extinction due to hunting for their soft, colourful pelts as well as predation from foxes, and grazing competition from goats and rabbits. Over 30 years ago the Flinders Ranges Bounceback Program was launched to protect threatened species such as the YFRW, by controlling introduced predators and herbivores. Since then, their numbers have risen from the low hundreds, in to the thousands.
A hot spot for viewing wild YFRW is in the Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park, north of Adelaide, South Australia.
You can also book a private wildlife encounter with our YFRW at Animals Anonymous headquarters.
Our good friend Nick from Wicked Wildlife and Nitro Nat with our Yellow-footed Rock Wallabies.