Dasyurus maculatus


The Spotted-tailed Quoll, also known as the Tiger Quoll, is the largest species of quoll in the world. These carnivorous marsupials are excellent climbers (see our video below) and are the most arboreal of all quolls species. They can hunt possums, potoroos, bandicoots, rodents, wallabies and birds. They will also scavenge carrion. Young quolls will take insects as well as small birds and mammals.

Spotted-tailed Quolls are found along eastern Australia from north-east Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria to Tasmania. They are considered extinct in South Australia but one turned up in 2023 in Beachport.

They have an extremely powerful bite force and it is said that they have the second most powerful bite force of any terrestrial carnivorous mammal living today with the Tasmanian Devil taking first place.

Spotted-tail quolls have declined significantly since the arrival of Europeans, due to land-clearing and introduced predators such as cats and foxes.

Spotted-tailed Quoll at AAHQ.

Jordyn from AA introducing one of our Spotted-tailed Quolls.

This young Spotted-tailed Quoll was thrown from his mothers pouch and hand-raised.

You can book a private encounter at AAHQ and meet a Spotted-tailed Quoll as well as a huge range of unique Australian wildlife.